Tuesday, July 31, 2007


What is Aikido?

Whenever I move, that's Aikido.
O Sensei, Morihei Ueshiba
Aikido is a Japanese martial art developed by Morihei Ueshiba (often referred to by his title 'O Sensei' or 'Great Teacher'). On a purely physical level it is an art involving some throws and joint locks that are derived from Jujitsu and some throws and other techniques derived from Kenjutsu. Aikido focuses not on punching or kicking opponents, but rather on using their own energy to gain control of them or to throw them away from you. It is not a static art, but places great emphasis on motion and the dynamics of movement.

Upon closer examination, practitioners will find from Aikido what they are looking for, whether it is applicable self-defense technique, spiritual enlightenment, physical health or peace of mind. O Sensei emphasized the moral and spiritual aspects of this art, placing great weight on the development of harmony and peace. "The Way of Harmony of the Spirit" is one way that "Aikido" may be translated into English. This is still true of Aikido today, although different styles emphasize the more spiritual aspects to greater or lesser degrees. Although the idea of a martial discipline striving for peace and harmony may seem paradoxical, it is the most basic tenet of the art.
We could attempt to pigeonhole Aikido into a synopsis of X number of words, but that would not do it justice, so we leave the practitioner of Aikido to find out what Aikido is for themselves without any preconceived notions.
From http://www.aikidofaq.com/introduction.html

Batam Aikido Club

 It was established in 2004 and is led by Instructor Agus (1st Dan). It is purposes to introduce  Aikido "the incredible martial art" to more people, especially on Batam Island.  

BAC is Affiliate to Aikido Shinju-Kai Singapore, Which is Led By Chairman & Chief Instructor Philip Lee Fook Chuen Sensei (6th Dan). www.Aikidoshinjukai.com
(start join at September 2006)

First Dojo are at PT.Epson batam which is only training with some people (Friends). Due to several times went to Singapore for business Trip, Instructor Agus was always join the Philip Sensei class, an introduction was starting than both are agreed to cooperate together to spread widely this beautiful martial arts, which is targeting is in Indonesia especially at Batam Island. Agus was took 1 week traveling and 1 week full training at Singapore to get standardization on the Shinju-kai style. and Batam Aikido Club was born.

Beginning 2006, Agus was meet the other person who have enthusiastic in Aikido, and both are agreed to work togather to develop Aikido Dojo in Batam, Peter Adrianto (Aikidoka from Jakarta). and the Dojo mail stone is as follow:
- First real Dojo is at Nagoya, beside Pizza Hut restaurant 
- Second Dojo, moved to Bunkers restaurant at Batam Center 
--> moved to bunkers restaurant at Sept 2006, and starting Officially recognize by Aikido Shinju-Kai Singapore.

- Third Dojo, Moved to Politeknik Batam
- Fourth Dojo, Moved to Ruko Niaga 
- Fifth Dojo, Moved to Institute Karate Dojo, at Baloi till 2009, and during in this period BAC have 3 place for training, Pemuda dan Olah Raga Office and Swimming Pool Orchid Park.
- Sixth Dojo which is for the few times moved again at Club House Anggrek Mas 3 Real Estate. and Baloi Dojo is freeze for temp.

Now we are open in 3 days training
Saturday, Monday and Wednesday.



Training Schedule


 Dojo Are Open Now

Club House Anggrek Mas 3
- Monday : 7.30 pm ~ 9.30 pm --> Beginner Class (Instruktur: Agus)
- Wednesday:
7.30 pm ~ 9.30 pm --> Advance (Instruktur: Agus)
- Saturday :04.00 pm ~ 06.00 pm --> Beginner Class (Instruktur: Peter)

In Every end of month every Wednesday is Weapon Class
" Please Bring along your own weapon (Boken, Jo & Tanto)"

Agus Syaepuloh,
Product Engineering Department
Tel: (62)778- 611151 ext.305/304
Mobile phone: 0816625889
Peter Adrianto
PT Dwi Sumber Arca Waja
Tel (62)778-711 240 ext 109
Mobile phone: 0818 714 740

Aikido Shiju-Kai (Head Quarter)

Batam Aikido Club Website

Batam Aikido Club Facebook
Batam Aikido -->batamaikidoclub@yahoo.com

Batam Aikido Group

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